Sunday, April 18, 2010

Missing Someone

Not all the time, you’ll be able to spend time with someone. There’s should be a time to be independent. Learn to live life on your own. Learn new things on your own.

Today is that time for me. I’ll use this time to learn new things about myself. This will me my “me” time. I rarely have this chance so; I’ll make the most out of it. Once this is over, I’ll go back to being the “busy me”. Hahaha! Not that it’s a bad thing but it just feels good sometimes to free your mind with all the worries at work and with life.

The best thing about this is missing that special someone when they took some time off. The moment you feel their arms around you when they hug you again. The kisses after fews days apart. Feels like the first kiss again. *blush*

This will be the first time that I’ll be positive about this set-up. No more arguments, no issues, no more hang ups and the most important thing is, no more doubts. This relationship is based not just on love but on trust as well. I’m really happy that things are working out so great for us.

Thank you, Lord! You’ve been so patent and good to me!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Truth Sucks

The moment I opened my mouth, I ruined everything!

Every time I speak up, I speak the truth. The truth about how I feel and see things. I do not see anything wrong with that. I made it clear that I was not picking up a fight. I was just sharing how I feel. I guess, sometimes, it’s better to keep my mouth shut than be screwed by my own honesty.

That sucks!!!


Life isn’t fair, but that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable. Franklin Covey once said that 10% of the things that happen to you, you cannot control. But the remaining 90%, that can still make a difference. The way you feel, the way you think, the way you act and respond to each situation, it matters! It makes a difference!