Saturday, October 3, 2009

Where I’m from, everyone’s a Hero!

Project OH!
On that day...
They lost everything.
We can do so much.

Give an hour
For the Ondoy victims.

This is a project of IBM Business Services to help prepare the relief items for employees affected by Typhoon Ondoy. With just an hour of our time, we can help a lot of people already.

A lot of people have lost their houses because of this tragic event. Even their loved ones were gone, now. All we can do now is pray. Pray for all the people who were affected, pray for all the people who left this world without a warning. This event was truly heartbreaking for me. Maybe because a lot of my friends and loved ones were affected as well. I am one of the fortunate ones who didn’t have to be rescued by the boats. Or swim in order to be saved. I’ll be dead by now if that happens because I don’t know how to swim!! =(

Glad to say that our house survived Ondoy. My dad, mom and sister were all safe inside. Although they were trapped because they cannot go out of the house because the flood was waist-deep. Ate was not as lucky as I am though. She was stranded in a gasoline station near her office. She cannot move since all roads are either closed or not passable because of the heavy traffic and flood all over metro. I am stucked in the condo with my friend. We stayed there the entire day and watched TV series, movies, eat, drink and eat. It was boring, waiting for the calamity to stop. Hopeless! We watched the news and it was so disheartening. We had to stop it. We can’t even watch them suffer!

The aftermath was even more miserable as I expected it. An American Dweller here in the Philippines says, “I wish you all could see the amazing community spirit, charity and compassion in the Philippines. What I see happening here totally blows away the response to hurricane Katrina. People here have less to give, yet they are giving abundantly. There is such a greater story than just the death toll that lame American media flash to capture.” After reading this, I feel proud to be a Filipino (not that I am not proud to be one). But it might bring hope to each and every one of us. Hope to those who are affected that even if they have nothing, and even if the country is suffering, there’s still hope. Filipinos can find ways how to survive even if there’s nothing left, even if there’s nothing more to give.

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